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Notice that you must register and then login to the website before answering one of these calls. Scroll down for the call for dissertations and the call for digital humanities projects CALL FOR POSTERS The World Economic History Congress offers the opportunity to PhD students and junior/postdoctoral researchers to present their research to an international audience. Poster sessions are an informal and interactive way to present an ongoing research to a broad audience and to get useful comments and feedback. Selected posters will be on display for several days during the Congress, in order to give them maximum exposure. During special poster sessions, presenters will present their poster and engage further discussions on their research. Posters will be selected on a competitive basis. We welcome historical applications in any field of economics and related social sciences, business history, demographic history, environmental history, global and world history, social history, urban history, methodological approaches to historical research, history of economics and economic thought, and other related fields. A jury consisting of members of the Executive Committee of the IEHA will assess the posters and give a 250-Euro award to the best poster. How to apply If you are interested in participating in the poster session, please submit on https://wehc2022.sciencesconf.org/ a proposal from April 1st, 2021 to December 1, 2021, containing your name, email address and institutional affiliation, the proposed title of the poster, and an abstract of the contents (max 400 words). Posters should highlight research questions and hypotheses, sources and methods, and give some results by combining text and graphics. Candidates will be informed by January 15t, 2022 of the selection. The selected candidates will then be required to submit their poster as a digital PDF document before July 1, 2022 and take a full-size (A0 portrait format) printed version of the poster with them to the congress (please note that we do not provide printing). Session advice - candidates can use one of several softwares to create a poster (e.g., Powerpoint, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, or open source alternatives Gimp, Inskape, etc.). Please make sure that you save/export a PDF document at the end of the creation process. - candidates can prepare a 3- to 4-minute presentation of their poster in order to engage and facilitate conversation with attendees - candidates can print flyer versions of their poster (A5 to A4 portrait format) and leave it next to their board for the attendees to take (with your contact infos and a short abstract on the back) - candidates can print longer research papers of their own that enlarge the scope of their poster Poster design advice Creating a poster is not easy, but it can give a great overview of your research and a powerful highlight on your results. It can also attract interest of researchers and audiences who are not in your field. To do so, you have to catch the attention of the attendees! Remember: people will probably give a very short look at your poster, and their attention will focus on big and catchy elements, not on long and small-size texts. To be efficient, your poster should not try to encompass a whole research paper but give a visual abstract of your subject, your field, your methods and your results. Your poster has to go straight to the point: give information to a large audience by using simple and effective data displays (graphs, images, infographics), short texts with big titles or headlines and a catchy design. Use colours (but not too flashy!), make sure that your picture and graphs resolution is high, do not overload your background (prefer a plain background), use bullet points expressing clear results instead of long text blocks, and surprise the audience with creative visual designs highlighting your results. Make it clear, simple and visual. This can be frustrating for the candidate who enjoys sharing long years of research with other scholars, but a poster is a first step to engage discussion. So do not forget to add your contact information on your poster (email especially) and to give information about your work (academic position, institution, fundings). Templates and more information are available online. Here is a selection of useful tools for candidates: - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2049080116301303 [summary of major points to take into account] - https://guides.nyu.edu/posters [lots of tips, links and advices] - How to create a better research poster? #1 and #2 [two instructive videos about how to catch attention of the audience with a poster]
GO TO APPLY CALL FOR DIGITAL HUMANITIES PROJECTS AND AFHE PRIZES A new competition entitled “the AFHE Prizes in Digital Humanities” is organized at the 2022 WEHC in Paris, in order to reward digital humanities projects in the field of economic history. The competition, organized and funded by the Association Française d’Histoire Économique (AFHE) under the patronage of the IEHA, is open to all researchers and institutions. It offers the opportunity to promote ongoing and achieved projects involving new technologies in economic history. A special session will give the opportunity for each selected candidate or team to present their project during a 15-minute presentation. Furthermore, candidates will have the opportunity to display their projects on a large video screen in the Research Library Building at Campus Condorcet The competition is divided into two categories: “Science Outreach” and “Research”.
The AFHE jury will assess the proposals that will be presented during the Congress and give a 400-Euro award to the best project of each category. The call for submission will be open from April 1,2021 until December 1, 2021. Selections will be announced by January 15, 2022.
Science outreach We welcome all proposals based on a digital support dedicated to the popularization of knowledge, data and heritage collections for large audiences in the field of economic history. Accepted formats include: blogs & websites, videos, interactive educational video games, computer graphics, academic documentaries, digitization projects, apps, or other digital supports.. How to apply If you are interested in participating in the digital humanities projects, please submit on https://wehc2022.sciencesconf.org/user/submissions (notice: in the first page of the submission process, click "submit an abstract": The second page will allow you to choose between poster, dissertation or digital humanities project) a proposal containing your name, email address and institutional affiliation, the proposed title of the project, a 2,000-word essay presenting the research, an abstract of the digital contents (max 400 words) and a link towards your realisation or your ongoing project. Accepted supports should fit an on-screen presentation.
Digital Innovation & Research. We welcome all propositions from researchers using new digital tools (websites, software, apps, databases, etc.) and methods (mapping and spatial technologies, data visualisation, text encoding and analysis, network analysis, digitisation projects… etc) in the field of economic history. All kinds of academic research : published papers, dissertations, funded projects… etc will be accepted.
How to apply If you are interested in participating in the digital humanities projects, please submit on https://wehc2022.sciencesconf.org/user/submissions (notice: you must register and then login first. In the first page of the submission process, click "submit an abstract". The second page will allow you to choose between poster, dissertation or digital humanities project) proposal containing your name, email address and institutional affiliation, the proposed title of the project, a 2,000-word essay presenting the research, an abstract of the digital contents (max 400 words) and a link towards your realisation or your ongoing project. Accepted supports should fit an on-screen presentation.
CALL FOR DISSERTATIONS Students who have completed their dissertations between June 2017 and August 2021 are encouraged to submit their theses for the dissertation panel/competition. Dissertation will be shortlisted and considered for awards in three separate categories: ancient/Medieval/Early Modern period; 19th century; and 20th century. The three finalists in each category will be invited to present their work in the dissertation panel. Theses written in languages other than English will also be considered, although the abstract needs to be in English. How to apply The deadline for electronic submissions of the theses, along with information on past and current affiliation of the student, advisor, 500-word abstract, and any other pertinent information is December 1, 2021. All materials should be sent through https://wehc2022.sciencesconf.org/ All submissions will be acknowledged by a reply email. Selection of finalists will be announced by March 1, 2022 Notice: You must register and then login first. In the first page of the submission process, click "submit an abstract". The second page will allow you to choose between poster, dissertation or digital humanities project.
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